WalkTheWalk (CSI)

The Final Push for Prosperity

I've finally had it with the mundane life. I struggle just to attend school because of lack of communication in Public Assistance. I get no help from my childrens' father. Enough is enough! I must liberate myself from the mire and muck. I have spent enough time learning, and it is time for action!

In the internet marketing world, people speak of being "on fire to retire"; I have a similar mission. I want to liberate others and myself from the quicksand pit of public assistance. My new mission: Save 10 families in 10 months, starting with my own.

I have found an opportunity that is simple enough for anyone that is dedicated to success to create substantial monthly residual income. I actually have already built an residual income with it; my goal is to replace the income that I receive from public assistance in both cash and food stamps, thereby liberating myself from welfare. If you would like to hear more about this opportunity

I plan to do this by networking with people in my similar situation, to show them that it is possible to do this themselves. I will be a true sponsor, leading my members to success and prospering myself in the process.

I have been preaching for way too long that your circumstances do not affect your propensity for success. It is time I actually lived it. Now that I have all the pieces, it is time to help the masses with the information that I have.

Are you on fire to retire? Ready to change your present life into the one you've always dreamed about? Then make sure you are following this blog, and join me as one of the 10 in 10 months!

When the Student Is Ready, The Teacher Will Appear...

Hello All, and sorry for this last absence. I started the year with big plans and dreams; but as I sat down to execute those plans, I began to feel unnecessarily tired and drained; no different than years prior.

I'm determined not to have the same results online in 2010 as I've had too many years before. As soon as I noticed these familiar feeling taking over, I decided to take a hiatus from everything I was doing online to get a clear and focused view of what I want to achieve, and the steps necessary to get to that point.

My goal is to mentor as many people who are serious about online marketing as possible, to guide them through the pitfalls I've experienced, and teach them the steps necessary to market and network online effectively. My  ultimate goal is to create a system that anyone at any experience level can plug into, get the generic tools and training necessary, and prepare them to make money online consistently. Its was about the same time that I came to this conclusion that I found the site that would be the catalyst to my success, 12 Second Commute.

This site has definitely been a Godsend for me. I was intrigued by 12 Second Commute because they give you a 30 Day Free trial to use the system. They don't ask you for your credit card number, or even your PayPal address to do it. You sign up, and get access to their entire system, and all the tools that a marketer could ever need online.Not only that, but membership gives you access to their nightly live conferences on Advertising, Social Networking, SEO, and using the 12 Second Commute System itself; four nights a week. During these conferences there isn't any sales talk of any kind, just the steps you need to take action in whatever business you are trying to promote, even 12 Second Commute. Attending the Wednesday Night SEO conferences with Jim Roche is what sold me on 12 Second Commute; he taught me so much in the first two conferences that I had been searching for years online, that I knew this is the place I needed to be in order to to achieve my goals online.

I'm sorry if this ended up sounding like a sales letter for 12 Second Commute, that was not my intent. Instead I wanted to show you the major catalyst for my change in direction. Following the SEO teachings of Jim Roche, I have created several key-word related blogs that I will be posting to. This blog will remain here, and I will be posting my personal progress from Welfare2Wealth using Network Marketing. However, if you are interested in getting the full story, I suggest you follow these blogs as well

 This is going to be great! I hope to see each and every one of you at the blogs mentioned, and hopefully I can help some of you to achieve the income of your desires as well!

Kenya S.
SkypeID: drknlvly6781

New Beginings...Enter the FED UP Marketer

First off, allow me to apologize for my long absence. I could tell you of how my kids have been sick, or how I got tied up with finals at school; but I won’t; this New Year coming isn’t about excuses. The main point is that now I’m back with a shining revelation about my online endeavors, and to share more valuable information.

The true catalyst of my absence was realizing a few things; after doing my “Success Quotient Analysis Questionnaire” from a great book for anyone in business that I re-read every year, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, and a little unexpected constructive criticism from a blog friend of mine, probably unexpected to her as well.

As I said, I had just completed my analysis, putting down the same answers as the four years prior; despite learning more of what it takes to achieve success, I never seem to get any closer to my goals. This frustrated me. I didn’t, and still don’t want to go another year watching other people make great money on the internet, while I only get the dribbles and drabs that seem to be left over.

At about the same time, I received a blog award from a good friend of mine, Queen Katherine, which gave me a great example of my progress in internet marketing over the past two years….

My Welfare2Wealth: This is a wonderful place to find info on tons of subjects. Kenya knows about all sorts of stuff - and she's sweet as can be too!

“…Tons of subjects”? “…All sorts of stuff”? NO ONE EVEN KNOWS THAT I AM AN INTERNET MARKETER!!! At least I claim to be. But don’t get me wrong Kat, I appreciate the award, more than you know, because it has given me the fire to do what I’ve been talking about for way too long. This year I must make a change!

I am seriously FED UP with sitting on the sidelines, watching other people do what I only dream of. If this is to be my path of becoming completely independent of welfare and debt-free; I have to start taking things seriously and take some definite action, and continue to do so until I see the results that I crave.

The direction of the blog is going to change slightly. For the benefit of the readers who have followed me thus far, I will be writing an e-book based on my post, “9 ways you can start earning online today for free”, to which all followers, both old and new will get a copy.

With the blog specifically, after posting about the blog award I received; I will be focusing more on my personal journey from “Welfare2Wealth” through network marketing. My hopes are my story and my achievements will inspire many others to take control of their lives, and experience some success of their own.
I’m tired of journaling the same results year after year. When November 2010 rolls around, I want to be journaling about my first taste of true success!!!

The Journey From Welfare to Wealth Begins with one step...

Hey everyone, its me yet again. If you read the last post, you must be here to see my rant about why I dislike welfare so much, even though I receive it. Before I get started, I do want to say this has nothing to do with the amount I receive, or wanting/needing more. There are only two reasons why I hate public assistance with such passion...

1) The Red Tape
Don't get me wrong, I know there have to be stipulations and rules in order to determine who is eligible for public assistance and who isn't; but can that at least make some sort of sense? Or at least be blanket across the state, if not the country?

The Balancing Act that is my life....

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. A whole lot of "life" just seemed to attack me all at once lol. which got me to thinking; I've told you guys about where the idea for this blog started, and what I hope to achieve in the long run with the relationships I create, but you know nothing about where I am right now! *Duh* And one of my main reasons for starting a blog was to let people know I am a real person *eyerolls*

9 Ways You Can Start Earning Online Today Free!!!

Yep, its the very reason why you signed up to this blog, I'm going to tell you the top 9 ways you can earn online for free! In the upcoming weeks I will explain each avenue in more detail but, as I'm following a great guy in blogging tutorials, Darren Rowse over at ProBlogger; the suggestion was to write a list post. I figured, what better topic than this? So, without further ado.....