I'm determined not to have the same results online in 2010 as I've had too many years before. As soon as I noticed these familiar feeling taking over, I decided to take a hiatus from everything I was doing online to get a clear and focused view of what I want to achieve, and the steps necessary to get to that point.
My goal is to mentor as many people who are serious about online marketing as possible, to guide them through the pitfalls I've experienced, and teach them the steps necessary to market and network online effectively. My ultimate goal is to create a system that anyone at any experience level can plug into, get the generic tools and training necessary, and prepare them to make money online consistently. Its was about the same time that I came to this conclusion that I found the site that would be the catalyst to my success, 12 Second Commute.
This site has definitely been a Godsend for me. I was intrigued by 12 Second Commute because they give you a 30 Day Free trial to use the system. They don't ask you for your credit card number, or even your PayPal address to do it. You sign up, and get access to their entire system, and all the tools that a marketer could ever need online.Not only that, but membership gives you access to their nightly live conferences on Advertising, Social Networking, SEO, and using the 12 Second Commute System itself; four nights a week. During these conferences there isn't any sales talk of any kind, just the steps you need to take action in whatever business you are trying to promote, even 12 Second Commute. Attending the Wednesday Night SEO conferences with Jim Roche is what sold me on 12 Second Commute; he taught me so much in the first two conferences that I had been searching for years online, that I knew this is the place I needed to be in order to to achieve my goals online.
I'm sorry if this ended up sounding like a sales letter for 12 Second Commute, that was not my intent. Instead I wanted to show you the major catalyst for my change in direction. Following the SEO teachings of Jim Roche, I have created several key-word related blogs that I will be posting to. This blog will remain here, and I will be posting my personal progress from Welfare2Wealth using Network Marketing. However, if you are interested in getting the full story, I suggest you follow these blogs as well
- Kenya Stallworth Recommends
- Downline Building Network
- The Best Autoresponder
- Business Mindset
- Improved Tracking
Kenya S.
SkypeID: drknlvly6781