The Balancing Act that is my life....

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. A whole lot of "life" just seemed to attack me all at once lol. which got me to thinking; I've told you guys about where the idea for this blog started, and what I hope to achieve in the long run with the relationships I create, but you know nothing about where I am right now! *Duh* And one of my main reasons for starting a blog was to let people know I am a real person *eyerolls*

Anyway, after the busy schedule I'm about to lay out for you lol; you'll see why I'm saying that I'll try to give you a weekly update on my journey from welfare to wealth. But for now, here is what I like to call the "balancing act" that is my life.

If you haven't picked up on it by now, let me make it perfectly clear: I HATE PUBLIC ASSISTANCE!!! I know this may come off as a bit ungrateful; since I am getting taxpayer dollars to support the not-so-good choices I made early in life; however, the fact is they have me over a barrel. I need these funds if I am ever to become independent of needing them in the future. I need the daycare so my kids are safe while I am at school and work/study. I need the funds because I don't have the education to get a job that would support me and my family, just yet. But they make it very difficult to get these services, even when you are doing exactly what they ask.

This is briefly the reason why I have the goal that I do; to become completely independent of needing these services within the next two years, or less

So, how are you doing this?
Barely, I must say (lol), but I'm starting to see some progress. Let me walk you through what a typical day in my life is like

In the morning I have 15 kids.....
After waking my 8 and 5 year old, and making sure they wash their faces at 6am, we join another 8-10 elementary school children from the building we live in outside. Since the beginning of the school year, I stood outside to watch over my two, since it was so early in the morning. I just kinda got "adopted to watch over the entire brood that gets on that particular bus lol. I don't mind; it keeps the lot of them safe that early in the morning, and it keeps them from getting too rowdy right before the bus comes. As we stand around and talk about nothing, a few more kids show up from another part of the building. A little while later the bus pulls up. As always, my next door neighbors kids aren't out just yet. I go knock on their door, and anyone else's who hasn't showed up yet.

After all the stragglers are on the bus, I wave as they pull off. Now time to run back in the house.

My Day Begins
If i was coherent enough when I got the kids up, I have a pot of coffee waiting on me, and a good thirty minutes ahead before I must catch the bus to school. It really sucks being 28 and STILL not knowing how to drive *eyerolls*, but that's a rant for another time. I susually take this time to wade through a few emails and make a few quick responses to questions from overnight. Just a few time killers till the bus comes. Bothing too deeply involved, the bus I'm catching is an express and the last one that runs in the morning! Luckily all I have to do is cross the parking lot of my building to catch it. After a while, I grab my things and walk to the bus stop.

 I must say going to Antonelli College is sweet for me. I take courses in Business Administration, which helps me a lot with my online presentation skills. This term, I was lucky enough to snag a work/study position in the Business Department; where I get to work with two of my favorite teachers. Yeah, the work can get a little boring at times; all I do is file and copy. But when work is slow, it also gives me time to check in and do a little internet networking on the computer; or even make a few postcards on the copy machine to mail out for my Postcard Business I'm promoting!

People think my work is so good, they want me to be President of the Business Club we are starting at school, to which I already get inside information being in the business office. I'd love to, but I know I have too many obligations going on to do that. I'll settle for VP, but I'll let you know more about that as it happens.

So, with all the classes, work hours, and clubs I go to, I'm still out of the school anywhere between 3-5pm. But my day doesn't end there....

Study Time

The kids are picked up by the daycare provider from school; my day doesn't stop after I get out of school, neither does theirs! Since I am in school for business, and also trying to start a business online, that means that I have a double study load. Soon as I hit home its homework time for a couple hours; then I hit the internet to study up on blogging, and any new IM sites that may have come up for review on a favorite site of mine, IM Report Card. This usually carries me until around six, where I break free from the computer to fix dinner for the kids.

Homework, dinner, Bath, Bed

The kids get in about 7p, and seem to try and make a beeline for the bed lol. All that learning and socializing wears them out every time. I help them with their homework, have them eat, then take a bath. Right before they go to bed, I read the book that my daughter has brought home that day. By this time they are so worn out they are falling asleep on the story! As soon as I have finished, about 8:30, I send them to bed.

Last minute tie up
But by no means am I finished at this point! After tidying up the kitchen, I come back to finish any studying or networking that I was doing before dinner. After that, I check in and comment on some other "mommy bloggers" that I follow. I am usually online until about 10pm, when I'm too worn out to read another word, and I lay down to rest and recharge for the next day.

So now you see a little bit of my life as it is now! Stay tuned for my next post, "The Journey from Welfare 2 Wealth begins with one step"; where I'll go deeper into my disgust for public assistance, and the goals I'll achieve with this blog!

(I was going to tell you in this post, but it's gotten too long already lol!)