The Journey From Welfare to Wealth Begins with one step...

Hey everyone, its me yet again. If you read the last post, you must be here to see my rant about why I dislike welfare so much, even though I receive it. Before I get started, I do want to say this has nothing to do with the amount I receive, or wanting/needing more. There are only two reasons why I hate public assistance with such passion...

1) The Red Tape
Don't get me wrong, I know there have to be stipulations and rules in order to determine who is eligible for public assistance and who isn't; but can that at least make some sort of sense? Or at least be blanket across the state, if not the country?

Case in point. In order for me to be eligible to receive benefits in my county in Ohio, I must participate in some sort of outside volunteer activity or work training for 80 hours a month. Understandable enough on the surface, most just go to school to make that time up, while looking for employment.

The problem with this is, you are only allowed 12 educational months credit. I don't know of one person who completed any worthwhile portion of an education career in only a year. Couple that with the fact that I wasted mine on a school that wasn't accredited early on (didn't find out until after my educational credits were gone, and there is no way I can appeal the use of these credits to the county or state), I have to find another activity to do ON TOP OF go to school full time, just to be eligible for the daycare for my schooling.

Meanwhile, in a county not too far away, a woman with a Mercedes in the driveway of a $300K home with more than $80K in savings is eligible in her county to receive food stamps. And if they didn't check her assets like they do in this county before they determined she was eligible, I seriously doubt she must jump through the hoops I do to continue her services.

2) Lack of Communication/Organization

I don't really know too much about public assistance in other counties, but getting any form of assistance here is nuts. I don't know why some people insist that people that receive public assistance are lazy; its very hard work just to continue to be eligible! When you sign up for assistance, you don't just get one caseworker, you are assigned to several depending on what services you need. In my case:
  • I have a caseworker that deals only with childcare
  • I have another that deals with my cash assistance, medical, and food stamps
  • I have another that deals solely with my child support, the rare times that I get it
  • And I have yet another caseworker that deals with my volunteer hours and transportation. This one also reports back to the first two if I'm not complying with what they want me to do *eyerolls*
You'd think that this was to make things more simpler, and easier on both the consumer and the caseworkers, right? This only serves to further confuse things! First, if there is a change in my household (say, a change in income or [heaven strike me down] if I become pregnant) I have to report to all four agencies individually, because none of them communicate for my benefit. Furthermore, with the heavy caseload that all caseworkers have; there is high potential for paperwork to be lost, which can stop your benefits cold even when you are complying. If one particular section, say my volunteer worker (Community Link), doesn't get the paperwork that I faxed in on the number they gave me that is supposed to be convenient, then I'm immediately cut off from childcare that following period, and, if I don't catch the error by taking time to come down there and show the paper personally, my cash, food, and medical assistance can be cut too.

Then there are the miscellaneous problems that I have to take time out from school and work study for. Sometimes, on the childcare side, there are computer glitches that cause my daughter's hours to be shorter than my son's. To correct this I have to show up personally yet again, and sit for hours just to tell them about the error so they can correct it. The daycare caseworkers have no explanation for this anomaly. My schedules have been in for weeks. But it seems as though every voucher period there is yet another issue.

Before I continue, I want to restate that I know why most of the rules are in place for public assistance; but having lived the system in this county, it seems like the system is designed to penalize those who are doing what it takes to get off the system. Its as if the system was built to keep clients ON assistance, then systematically take what little assistance you do get until you have nothing at all.

Enter: The Goal of MyWelfare2Wealth

It is this very struggle that inspired me to write this blog; to show others that being left with nothing doesn't have to be an option they have to accept, because I refuse to accept this fate myself. I will use what I have learned and what I am currently learning now to show people there are way to make money online, starting with not a single cent!

I will do this by networking with others who are doing the same right now, and bringing all of them to one single place where people who want to learn how they too, can overcome the fate of poverty by earning online!

By acheiving this goal, I will reach my personal goals of:
  • Getting a car and learning how to drive
  • Starting my own organization where people can network and learn about free earning online
  • Moving out of my complex
  • Getting completely out of debt
  • and (most importantly) becoming completely independent of Welfare within the next two years!!!!
I have deep, unshakable faith that sharing my stories with others in situations similar to my own, I will bring riches to myself, simply by bringing it to others!

Well, enough about me for now, I'd like to hear about you! What inspired you to look for ways to earn online? What do you hope to accomplish by doing so? How did you find out about my blog? What interested you enough to follow it? What would you like to see me talk more about? I'd love to hear from all of you, leave a comment!!!