When I am not coaching new agents that help me to spread the word that Free Cash Is Real, I spend my time going to my son's sports games, or my daughter's dance team or choir competitions. I take weekend vacations to exotic locations once a month, and have all the time in the world to do what I want. Simply because I shared prosperity freely with others who were willing to work for it.
That will be just the beginning of my success, in 12 years. Here is where my story begins:
I am a 28 year old single mother of two that has learned various techniques of earning money online, without spending money to do it. Presently, I live in subsidized housing in Cincinnati, Ohio. Despite not receiving constant support for my two children, with what I earn online currently we live almost comfortably, given the present economy. I have some college education, and am currently completing a degree in Business Office Applications, which should be finished in 2011.
Okay, I appreciate your honesty, but why are you advertising your personal life to the world???
First and foremost, since most are just getting acquainted with me for the first time., I am a pretty open person; however in this case I have two specific reasons for being so open:\
- To show everyone who cares to read this blog that I am a living breathing person. I don't have any special advantages. What I will talk about in this blog will explain a list of many REALISTIC ways to earn online; many of the ways you will never need ANY MONEY OUT OF POCKET to earn from.
- These conditions I speak of are but temporary. My goal is to gain prosperity by showing others THERE IS A WAY!!! In today's times, we've all got too much month at the end of the money. If I can show just ONE PERSON a month how to supplement their current income, or even how to create the income of their desires, then I shall grow not only in prosperity, but in spirit as well.
Okay, fine and dandy...but if you're just getting started in all of this, how can you help me?
In total, I have made over $4000 in various free methods online. Pretty impressive,...until I tell you this is a cumulative amount earned since 2003 lol *eyerolls*. I admit, online earning has been little more than a hobby of mine for quite some time; that is until February 2007.
After being laid off from my job at that time, I gave a closer look at online earning opportunities; in light of my current situation, particularly those that were free. It what then that I learned of the first opportunity that earned me a substantial amount of money in a relatively short period of time, Project Payday
(For those who aren't familiar with that opportunity, SUBSCRIBE NOW as this and many other programs will be explained in this blog)
In the following two years I've learned of many FREE opportunities on the Internet; many that anyone with a home computer and of average interest can start earning TODAY.
Okay, but there are many sites/bloggers that say the same thing. These people are already making what your goal is, and they have the extensive training to do it; so why should I follow you?
If they are already making the money that is my goal, I applaud them heartily, they have made good use of the Internet and their skill. However, if they are at this level today, I must assume they are very difficult to contact, for they are either hard at work with their opportunities, or hard at play in their leisure time.
To learn the methods that I will be explaining here takes support, something that is virtually impossible with people already making six figures a year online. I can guide you in the right direction with LIVE SUPPORT, either through YAHOO MESSENGER or PHONE, yes, phone. If you sign up at this blog, you will have my real cell phone number, to call me with any question you may have. I will be with you, in you own path from welfare to wealth, every step of the way.
Also, since I don't claim to be a know-it-all lol, I also plan to have a weekly online radio show with live interviews of people who have made money online, and want to share how they did it in the near future.
Furthermore, I also plan to set up groups, initially in FaceBook and Yahoo, so people can share their findings of free earnings online.
Trust me, ladies and gentlemen, you are in the right place at the right time. Join me in prosperity by subscribing to my blog today. You will get updates by email, all my contact information, and you will also receive a free copy of the e-book and work book that changed my life forever, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.
I would tell you exactly how it changed my life, but I have talked enough for one blog post. You'll have to subscribe to the blog to be alerted about that post.
Speaking of blog posts, I love comments. So much so that I will not put the next blog post up until I get at least five comments. I do this for the people I will help, I can't know that I am helping without your feedback! I can't wait to chat with each and every one of you.